Write The Check
Our goal is to have 100% of families participate at any level to reach a collective donation amount of $20,000.
Click the button below to donate:
With our no-hassle donation approach, there is no longer a need to ask family members and friends for pledges for a fun run or wrapping paper in order to raise money for our school. Our no-hassle fundraiser is an alternative to events and purchases that require your time and money only to obtain dollars, which are shared by for-profit fundraising enterprises.
Every dollar raised through our no-hassle fundraiser goes directly to benefit our school.
The funds raised by the RPE PTA support our administration, teachers, and students. These funds aid in bridging the gap from the shortfall in the State Education Funding, and also support the fun and educational events that make our school so special. We cannot continue to provide these educational opportunities without the generous financial support of our community.
RPE PTA gives over $130 per child each year to support learning initiatives and activities.
RPE PTA Sponsorship Opportunities – 2020-2021 School Year
Platinum $3,500
- Named as a Platinum Sponsor on Thank You Banner hung on the River Place Blvd fence & Titan Tree
- Access to event participation with business information table
- Recognition in Ignite Auction program and slide show
- 4 tickets to Ignite Auction
- Recognition on PTA website homepage
- Community recognition in social media
- Acknowledgment of sponsorship in PTA communications
Gold $2,500
- Named as a Gold Sponsor on Thank You Banner hung on the River Place Blvd fence & Titan Tree
- Access to event participation with business information table
- Recognition in Ignite Auction program and slide show
- 2 tickets to Ignite Auction
- Recognition on PTA website homepage
- Community recognition in social media
- Acknowledgment of sponsorship in PTA communications
Silver $1,500
- Named as a Sliver Sponsor on Thank You Banner hung on the River Place Blvd fence & Titan Tree
- Recognition in Ignite Auction program and slide show
- Recognition on PTA website homepage
- Community recognition in social media
- Acknowledgment of sponsorship in PTA communications
Bronze $500
- Named as a Bronze Sponsor on Thank You Banner hung on the River Place Blvd fence & Titan Tree
- Mention in Ignite Auction program and slide show
- Recognition on PTA website homepage
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship in PTA communications
Titan Blue $250
- Named as Titan Blue Sponsor on Titan Tree
- Recognition on PTA Website homepage
Friends of RPE $25+
- Recognition on Titan Tree
- Recognition on PTA Website under Fundraising as Friends of RPE
Examples of how your donation supports RPE PTA
• Classroom Enrichment Materials
• The RPE PTA Classroom Enrichment Support Program
• Grade Level Learning Materials
• Art Supplies
• Library Books
• Garden
• Field Trips
• Teacher Appreciation
• Staff Appreciation
• Music and Theater Teaching Materials
• Technology
• Guided Reading And Learning Center Materials
• Recess Equipment
• 5th Grade Graduation
• Field Day
• Library Research And Teaching Materials
• PE Enrichment Materials
• Talent Show
• STARR Snacks
• Counselor Enrichment Materials
• Healthy Lifestyles Program
• Nurse Program Enrichment Materials
• Campus Beautification
• Spelling Bee
• Red Ribbon Week
• CPR, Health & Safety Training
Upcoming Events
Color coded calendar: Red=LISD District, Aqua = PTA Meeting, Green = Titan Garden Event, Royal Blue = RPE Event
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 26
- Saturday, April 12
- Tuesday, April 22
Make a donation to the annual Write the Check Fundraiser
**Be sure to check and see if your employer has a matching program to maximize your donation (Apple, Home Depot, Microsoft, Google, and State Farm, are just a few who have been known to do this)
Click Here to Donate
What Does the PTA Do With My Donation?
-The RPE PTA Classroom Enrichment Support Program
- The RPE Scholarship for Vandegrift Seniors
- New Playground Equipment
-Classroom Enrichment Materials
-Grade Level Learning Materials
-Art Supplies
- Library Books
-The Titan Garden
-Field Trips
-Teacher Appreciation
-Staff Appreciation
-Music and Theater Teaching Materials
-Guided Reading And Learning Center Materials
-Recess Equipment
-5th Grade Graduation
-Field Day
-Library Research And Teaching Materials
-PE Enrichment Materials
-Talent Show
-STARR Snacks
-Counselor Enrichment Materials
-Healthy Lifestyles Program
-Nurse Program Enrichment Materials
-Campus Beautification
-Spelling Bee
-Red Ribbon Week
-CPR, Health & Safety Training
-The Care Closet
-The Giving Tree