Literacy Partners

"...every child reading by the end of 3rd grade."
Literacy Partners is a partnership with RPE's local community that pairs K-3rd grade students with approved volunteers to practice reading and engage in fun conversations about the books being read.
The program involves the community or parent volunteer reading weekly with two students, one-on-one for 15 minutes each, right outside the classroom door. 

How Can I Get Involved? 

1. Register with LISD to become an approved volunteer at: Here
2. Register with Education Connection to become a Literacy Partner at: 
3. Send your contact info and preferred reading day/time to: 
Laura Grace, RPE Literacy Partners Coordinator at 

Join the movement to change the ever-increasing school drop-out trend in Austin by becoming a Literacy Partner today. 

Upcoming Events

Color coded calendar: Red=LISD District, Aqua = PTA Meeting, Green = Titan Garden Event, Royal Blue = RPE Event 

No Upcoming Events


 Make a donation to the annual Write the Check Fundraiser 

**Be sure to check and see if your employer has a matching program to maximize your donation (Apple, Home Depot, Microsoft, Google, and State Farm, are just a few who have been known to do this)

Click Here to Donate

 What Does the PTA Do With My Donation? 

-The RPE PTA Classroom Enrichment Support Program

 - The RPE Scholarship for Vandegrift Seniors

 - New Playground Equipment

-Classroom Enrichment Materials

 -Grade Level Learning Materials

 -Art Supplies

- Library Books

 -The Titan Garden

 -Field Trips

 -Teacher Appreciation

-Staff Appreciation

 -Music and Theater Teaching Materials


 -Guided Reading And Learning Center Materials

  -Recess Equipment

  -5th Grade Graduation

 -Field Day

 -Library Research And Teaching Materials

 -PE Enrichment Materials

 -Talent Show

 -STARR Snacks

-Counselor Enrichment Materials

-Healthy Lifestyles Program

-Nurse Program Enrichment Materials

-Campus Beautification

-Spelling Bee

-Red Ribbon Week

-CPR, Health & Safety Training

-The Care Closet

-The Giving Tree

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