Volunteer Guidelines


An LISD Volunteer:

  • Is friendly and courteous at all times.


  • Is dependable and on time.  If unable to attend, arrangements should be

    made ahead of time with the teacher or coordinator.  In case of last minute

    emergencies, please notify the campus office.


  • Always works under the direction and supervision of a teacher or other

    member of the school staff.  The relationship between the volunteer and the

    teacher is a professional one—one of mutual respect and confidence.


  • Is expected to support the teacher and supplement the teacher.  The teacher,

    not the volunteer, is responsible for content and techniques.


  • Knows that any information to which he/she has access to in the school or

    classroom is confidential.


  • Never expresses differences of opinion or dissatisfaction in the presence of



  • Knows that personal reactions to a particular staff member or to a particular

    student should be confidential.


  • Takes all suggestions or matters of concern to the campus volunteer

    coordinator, the principal or, the district-level volunteer coordinators.


  • Works within the rules of the school as set out by the principal.


  • Records his/her hours of service on the designated form at the school for

    end-of-year recognition of his/her service to LISD students.


  • Has short, periodic planning periods with the teacher, either in person or on

    the telephone. 


  • Remember the dress code.  Volunteers set an example for the students, so it

    is important that you present yourself accordingly. As a general guideline,

    volunteers should follow the same dress code policy as the staff.


Importance of Signing In/Out: 

Each time you go to a campus to volunteer, you must sign in, wear

your name badge, and sign out when you are finished.

This requirement is necessary for the following reasons:


1.Safeguarding our students and maintaining campus security is of the utmost



2.In case you receive an emergency telephone call, you can be found.


3.Individual volunteers will be recognized for their dedication and service to

our schools.  


4.Your school, and the school district, would like the opportunity to thank you

for your service.


Volunteers Provide:


1. Leadership and support.


2. A commitment of time to the classroom.


3. A positive attitude.


4. A good role model for students.


5. Quick and thorough work.


6. Student assistance as directed by the teacher.


7. Open and honest communication with the teacher.


8. Punctuality.


9. Notification in case of absence.


10. Confidentiality

Upcoming Events

Color coded calendar: Red=LISD District, Aqua = PTA Meeting, Green = Titan Garden Event, Royal Blue = RPE Event 


 Make a donation to the annual Write the Check Fundraiser 

**Be sure to check and see if your employer has a matching program to maximize your donation (Apple, Home Depot, Microsoft, Google, and State Farm, are just a few who have been known to do this)

Click Here to Donate

 What Does the PTA Do With My Donation? 

-The RPE PTA Classroom Enrichment Support Program

 - The RPE Scholarship for Vandegrift Seniors

 - New Playground Equipment

-Classroom Enrichment Materials

 -Grade Level Learning Materials

 -Art Supplies

- Library Books

 -The Titan Garden

 -Field Trips

 -Teacher Appreciation

-Staff Appreciation

 -Music and Theater Teaching Materials


 -Guided Reading And Learning Center Materials

  -Recess Equipment

  -5th Grade Graduation

 -Field Day

 -Library Research And Teaching Materials

 -PE Enrichment Materials

 -Talent Show

 -STARR Snacks

-Counselor Enrichment Materials

-Healthy Lifestyles Program

-Nurse Program Enrichment Materials

-Campus Beautification

-Spelling Bee

-Red Ribbon Week

-CPR, Health & Safety Training

-The Care Closet

-The Giving Tree

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