When you volunteer your time you get to...

1. Share your skills.

2. Learn something new.

3. Make a positive difference.

4. Meet new people.

5. Get to know your child's friends.

6. Spy on your child. ;)

7. Learn how the school works.

8. Build relationships with teachers, principal, other parents.

9. See a different side of your child.

10. Have fun!


If you haven't filled out/renewed your volunteer application it's not too late.

Upcoming Events

Color coded calendar: Red=LISD District, Aqua = PTA Meeting, Green = Titan Garden Event, Royal Blue = RPE Event 

No Upcoming Events


 Make a donation to the annual Write the Check Fundraiser 

**Be sure to check and see if your employer has a matching program to maximize your donation (Apple, Home Depot, Microsoft, Google, and State Farm, are just a few who have been known to do this)

Click Here to Donate

 What Does the PTA Do With My Donation? 

-The RPE PTA Classroom Enrichment Support Program

 - The RPE Scholarship for Vandegrift Seniors

 - New Playground Equipment

-Classroom Enrichment Materials

 -Grade Level Learning Materials

 -Art Supplies

- Library Books

 -The Titan Garden

 -Field Trips

 -Teacher Appreciation

-Staff Appreciation

 -Music and Theater Teaching Materials


 -Guided Reading And Learning Center Materials

  -Recess Equipment

  -5th Grade Graduation

 -Field Day

 -Library Research And Teaching Materials

 -PE Enrichment Materials

 -Talent Show

 -STARR Snacks

-Counselor Enrichment Materials

-Healthy Lifestyles Program

-Nurse Program Enrichment Materials

-Campus Beautification

-Spelling Bee

-Red Ribbon Week

-CPR, Health & Safety Training

-The Care Closet

-The Giving Tree

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